
The Automation of Automation – Practical Examples – Part 1

Table of Contents

Last year we articulated the Automation of Automation concepts.

In order to help everyone wrap their minds around how this works, here are some simple practical examples. 

  1. Google’s switch from Bard to Gemini and many of the features included with it are all examples of automation around every asset Google Workspace has.
  2. Almost every major vendor is automating or “GenAI”ing their core
  3. Here is even a simple example of how Godaddy just created a new Automation of Automation with buying a domain.  Let me run you through the step by step:
    • After you buy a domain, now there is a path to immediately publishing a website template.  In this example you just hit continue and you go into a very short description and verification of what your website does.
      automation of automation buying domain example
      automation of automation buying domain example

      test 1

      ready for publishing immediately - amazing
      ready for publishing immediately – amazing


    • automation of automation - Published to your domain
      automation of automation – Published to your domain
      • voila!  a website created in seconds or minutes.  just insane.
        automation of automation example - website created within seconds or minutes of domain buy
        automation of automation example – website created within seconds or minutes of domain buy

        Godaddy airo takes it even further.  The Automation of Automation here is amazing in its scope if not its quality (I’d say it completely failed at finding a category for us as well as their logo possibilities completely sucked.)

      automation by airo - everything generated for you
      automation by airo – everything generated for you



      automation of automation example. within minutes of buying your domain - logo creator
      automation of automation example. within minutes of buying your domain – logo creator


the automation of automation - within seconds or minutes - ai generated social posts
the automation of automation – within seconds or minutes – ai generated social posts



Just realize, the Automation of Automation though is everywhere and its a continuous force of change happening.  Look closely and you will see it everywhere in technology and many other areas.