From what we see, generative AI or GenAI with proper HIGH QUALITY prompts, data, and checks and balances (AUTOMATED VERIFICATIONS) ENABLES both content creation and knowledge creation at a speed never before possible. When we say hyper knowledge creation, what I’m talking about is that we can get to more detailed knowledge needs and answers to more detailed questions at an amazingly more detailed level than every before. We can also do this with automations or tools at a hyper speed like we never could before.
Let’s cover how Hyper knowledge creation works at a different speed and granularity than current mechanisms and why its different by contrasting what we use today with google search, etc.
* For example, before “quality” GenAI and other similar capabilities, many of us relied on Web Search (yes, the monopoly of Google ) or in other cases crappy and questionable quality Question and Answer websites and communities like Quora and StackOverflow. As well as many other mechanisms like HOW TO Articles and Videos, etc. etc.
Search and QA community sites though are ESPECIALLY inaccurate and poor solutions for almost all true detailed knowledge needs and problem solving. (these solutions are more accurately described as “the best we had” for or “horrible” solutions) … Quite honestly these tools sucked for many knowledge needs especially detailed ones.
Think about how many questions or searches that Google answers with such a horrible solution of hunt and peck Search Results of non-answers and even malware. Especially for any comparisons of products, services, etc. Also, over the years Google has evolved like any profit seeking company to make as much money from its supposed “organization of others knowledge”. Therefore their search experience has evolve into more how it can serve google shareholders than google users.
Hyper Knowledge GenAI tools are in their infancy but they show a pathway (as of now to amazing ways to improve productivity and true knowledge creation at super detailed levels). This is the big differentiation in that knowledge seekers whether its how to code something specific (which stackoverflow 90% or more of the time could never solve and its display of answers to enhance its community more than the knowledge seeker .. HONESTLY sucks.). Also, as these tools emerge and more quality verification is done we will be able to have absolute answers to many questions versus crappy search results.
With hyper knowledge creation we can start to use GenAI and other mechanism to solve for questions where search results failed. Those more detailed questions or comparisons with BETTER GenAI solutions with quality prompts and quality data. This is hyper knowledge creation. I’m not sure if the big GenAI companies will get it but I view this as the preferred last mile (or yards of problem solving BEYOND or after search)